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How to Attract Your Dream Clients

We all want that perfect client that is a dream to work with! In the beginning, figuring out how to make that happen can feel allusive and just out of reach. If you are working to build your foundation and yet are struggling, I get it! It took me a year of working in this

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Finding Your Voice

Have you  ever been working with a client and realized the relationship just wasn’t working for you anymore? It can be hard to bring up difficult conversations with clients, but it’s so extremely important to do so! Confrontation can be hard, especially when you are dealing with strong willed business owners! But, speaking your mind,

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Getting Your Business Ready For Back to School Season

School’s back about to be back in session, is your business ready? So many of us have clients with school age children, or perhaps you have a few yourself. This season can be hectic for a W2 employee, let alone a busy business owner! Part of being a rockstar virtual assistant is intuitively showing up

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The Biggest Challenge When Bringing on a VA

Do you ever find yourself thinking, man, I really need some help, but it feels so overwhelming just thinking about trying to hire and train someone? If this is you, I want you to know, you are not alone! I hear this from business owners all of the time. It feels easier to simply do

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Tips For Moms Working From Home

Over the last two years, remote work has become the new normal. And like anything, it has its pros and cons. For example, a con may be, getting swamped with work if you don’t have your days structured. Or maybe you have some kiddos running around, and you just cannot concentrate. While we love them

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Don’t Be Afraid to Dream

Being a business owner has its ups and downs. On one hand it’s great that you get to pursue your passion, work for yourself, and build your dream team. On the other, you have to make sure that everything’s getting taken care of because you don’t have people above you managing your business – it’s

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You’re The Expert Your Clients Are Looking For

One of the most common things I hear from business owners is “I don’t know, I’m not good at this, but you are, so you tell me what I need to do”. If this sentence tells you anything, it’s that clients are looking to work with experts who can lead the conversation, take initiative and

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Virtual Communication Best Practices

If working in a virtual environment, or with a virtual team, is new to you, it can present some unique challenges. When something happens it’s not as simple as a walk across the hall to pop your head into your coworkers office to talk through the issue. When you are virtual, you often don’t have

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How to Balance Work and Fun During Summer

The sun is shining, and it feels oh so good outside! When summer time rolls around, it’s easy to catch a little FOMO. There’s so much going on, the weather feels great, pools are open, kids are out of school and you just want to do all the things; but there’s one problem, you still have

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Setting Away Messages

Everybody deserves time away from the office. But, do you ever feel like you’re forgetting something when you take off work? It’s likely your away message! Setting an away message in your inbox for when you are off work is so powerful! It let’s your clients/prospects know what is going on, so they feel taken

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