The Blog


The Investment of Hiring a VA

Do you want to make a change in your business, but have no clue where to start? We hear you! You’ve finally decided to invest in your business and bring on another team member to support you; but that in itself, takes A LOT of time and energy… This is where Barrier Consulting steps in! 

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Tips For Enjoying Your Summer as an Entrepreneur

The holidays are fast approaching and it’s time to act now to set yourself up for success. I don’t know about you, but it’s so easy for the holidays to sneak up on me! Once Halloween is past it’s just a few short weeks to Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Years! It felt like October

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How Barrier Consulting Can Support You

Our team has been helping business owners get the support they need in their business since 2018! Can you believe it?! We certainly can’t! Time flies, and it only seems to be speeding up; but we have enjoyed every minute of it!   For the past 5 years, we have learned SO much and have had

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The Best Teams Are Thermostat Teams

Working alongside others gives you the opportunity to be the best version of yourself, FOR yourself and for your team. There are many pieces to this puzzle; and one of the challenges that comes with this, is managing people’s emotions. You might be thinking, “Why is it my responsibility to manage their emotions?” It’s more

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Preparing For Your Summer Vacation

Summer is right around the corner, and we are so excited! We can’t wait for the working poolside days, summer nights with friends and family, and of course – summer vacation.  But first, let’s take care of business. I want you to think about last summer, were you able to take off the time you

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How Our Team Finds The Best VA For Your Needs

The holidays are fast approaching and it’s time to act now to set yourself up for success. I don’t know about you, but it’s so easy for the holidays to sneak up on me! Once Halloween is past it’s just a few short weeks to Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Years! It felt like October

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Don’t Let Others Underestimate Your Profession as a VA

As a remote worker, maybe you’ve heard someone say something along the lines of, “Well can’t you just do that later? You work from home, so it doesn’t matter when you get it done, right?” And while that someone maybe didn’t intend for it to sound degrading, this can still be a common misconception about

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A New Perspective to Reaching Your Goals

Can you believe we are already heading into the second quarter of the year? It feels like just yesterday it was January 1st! I’m sure you’ve probably heard of the statistic that more than half of people that set new year’s resolutions ditch those resolutions by February.  But, we want to help you keep the

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 Managing Client Expectations and Setting Boundaries

Managing client expectations gives you the opportunity to become a better leader, team member, and business owner. And as a virtual assistant, you get to embody all three of these personas!  How you manage expectations shows others how you manage yourself and ultimately, your business. If you have clearly defined parameters and boundaries, it showcases

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Task Management System Audits

Can you believe it’s already March? Wow, time flies! Especially when you have your virtual assistant by your side making everything feel smooth in your business. For most of you, it may only start to feel a little chaotic when vacations roll around. With spring break right around the corner, you may be feeling this

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