
Set Yourself Up For Success During Holiday Season


I can’t believe Halloween is almost here! It seems like yesterday we were greeting the New Year and making plans for how we would show up in 2021. Now, we are close to wrapping up the year as we enter into the holiday season!

Now, you either heard that and thought, “Yay, I love the holidays!” or “Oh no, I have no idea how I’m going to get through the holidays”. 

If the latter was you, I want you to know that you can get through the holiday season and do so while showing up well for your business AND your family! I do not believe that it’s one or the other, you truly can show up well for both! 

So, how do we do that? 

You need to set yourself up for success NOW by creating and following through on habits that will carry you through to the New Year.

This might take a little bit of planning, but trust me, it’s worth it!

Sit down, take out your calendar/planner and look at how many days are left in the month/year. I believe that family should always be your #1, so let’s start by blocking out the time you want to take off for the holidays first. 

Now that you can see the time off that you need, it’s time to start planning your working schedule around that time off. Maybe you need to work an extra 30 minutes or hour each day so when you get to your scheduled time off you aren’t overwhelmed and your tasks are taken care of in advance? Maybe you need to sit down with your team and make a plan for how to tackle work between now and the holidays so your team can also take some time off. Whatever it is, spend some time thinking through how you can plan your schedule so you can show up well for your business and family.

Trust me, the extra time you take now to plan your holiday season will pay off down the road when you aren’t stressed out and trying to do too many things at once. 

If you are needing help organizing yourself so this can be possible, it may be time to consider bringing a virtual assistant onto the team! Our VA’s love helping business owners take back control of their time, business and life! If that’s you, go ahead and book a free discovery call so we can chat.

“Barrier Consulting has changed my business and my life. Evonne and her team keep my business goal-focused; moving projects faster toward success (and helping us look good doing it)! Everything they have helped with not only frees up my time and reduces stress but increases revenue too! My business would grow at snail speed without Barrier Consulting.”

– Pam Harjo, Youth Scoreboards

Are you ready to bring someone alongside you to help your business grow? Book your FREE consultation to learn how one of our Virtual Assistants can help take that overwhelm off your shoulders.

If you’re not quite ready for a VA but want to plan ahead, grab our free download:

5 Steps to Take Before Hiring a Virtual Assistant.



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